Friday, December 11, 2009

Ryan's post

Ryan's Slice of American Pie wrote a post about the state of cannabis sales and legality in America, particularly California. Although a very well written post, I have couple of bones to pick. The first being the consistent use of the term "marijuana", which was the language used to aid in perpetuating a negative connotation with the plant during the time when it was first prohibited. Ryan concludes by stating that the solution is decriminalization. Well decriminalization does not get rid of the black market, it merely creates glorified drug dealers posing in the name of "compassionate care".
Cannabis legalization is a necessary issue to think about in the future. The drug war is obviously not working, but neither are the state solutions that I have seen so far. But before it can be legal there needs to be great education about the subject. Ryan lists a lot of good reasons to make it legal, but neglects the fact that it is a drug with the potential for abuse, and the potential for hurting peoples' lives if they cannot control themselves. When we can openly discuss the issue and present fair minded education for the masses then we can begin thinking about federal legalization.

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